
Introduction – Navigation

Upskill logoWe hope you find the information in this eBook helpful. You may also be interested in signing up for a self-paced short course which uses the eBook and includes a quiz where you can earn an industry recognized micro-credential. Register at: CSU Upskill 


When accessing this eBook, any internet browser will work.  We have designed the eBook to function well on a wide-range of devices (including Kindle Readers) and with varying access to internet strengths.  Videos are embedded and will run directly in the book.  You can make them full-screen for viewing.  Images may also be made full screen by clicking on them.  To return to the book, simply click on the “X” to close the image window.

Our goal is make this learning experience highly engaging and provide you with topics relevant to your interests, careers and communities.  You will find a mix of text, short video clips and learning activities.  You do not have to complete the eBook in a single setting.  Our estimation is that it will take you approximately one hour to complete the lesson.

To earn a badge of completion which you can put on your resume, LinkedIn Profile, etc. requires you to successfully pass a quiz in the course you have signed up for.




Seed Conditioning 107 - Seedborne Disease and Treatment Copyright © 2024 by Laura Pottorff; Tamla Blunt; Rick Novak; and Deana Namuth-Covert. All Rights Reserved.