Chapter 3 – The CSU IoT Sensor Kit
The CSU IoT Sensor Kit
You have been provided an IoT Sensor Kit which has been developed by Dr. Ham’s team at CSU. In this lesson you will learn to:
- Measure soil moisture
- Send the resulting numbers over WiFi through the cloud
- View live soil and weather data on your phone or computer
- Use the CSU IoT Sensor Kit to monitor and adjust moisture levels
CSU IoT Sensor Kit
This type of interactive image is best viewed in the full screen mode (click on the full screen icon in the upper righthand corner). Hovering over the plus sign reveals the name of each main component of the IoT Sensor Kit. Clicking on the plus sign will show a detailed description for the component.
Components of the Battery Holder
Now let’s look more closely at those main components. In this image, select the check to identify the individual parts of the Battery Pack.
Components of the Datalogger Board
Next select each check to identify the individual parts of the datalogger board.
Components of the Soil Sensor Probe
Lastly, select each check to identify the individual parts of the soil sensor probe.
Unboxing the Kit
To wrap up this lesson we will walk through the steps for unboxing the CSU IoT Sensor kit. Select each tab to learn details for each step.
Knowledge Check
Review the material by answering the following question(s).
Congratulations! You have set up your IoT Sensor Kit. In the next lesson you will learn how to test the sensor by taking measurements of the temperature and humidity in the air.