


What do they do?  

Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes animal health products including medicines, vaccines and diagnostic products, which are complemented by biodevices, genetic tests and precision livestock farming.


Visit their sustainability page to explore further: 

Sustainability focused partnerships and certifications:

Our Assessment: 

Zoetis has framed their sustainability efforts around the specific Sustainable Development goals laid out by the United Nations in 2015. In 2021, Zoetis launched Driven to Care, the company’s first sustainability initiative.They have established clear public targets to minimize their carbon footprint in their own operations and move towards 100% renewable energy by 2030 updated in 2022 from an original plan to reach these goals by 2050. In their 2020 Sustainability Report , Zoetis has set specific goals to minimize water and energy use, emissions, and waste production, and to transition to renewable energy. They are measuring their progress towards these targets and publishing progress reports.  Zoetis formed the Packaging Council to rethink packaging, reduce gas emissions, and minimize waste. Additionally, Zoetis has outlined efforts to give back to communities, through volunteerism, scholarship, and charitable donations.


Current Progress: 

  • 8.8% renewable electricity
  • 4.3% renewable energy
  • 2.2% reduction in energy intensity in manufacturing and R&D
  • 5% reduction in water intake
  • Recycled solid waste increased by 41%
  • Recycled hazardous waste increased by 35%
  • Hazardous waste generation decreased by 25%


Dedicated Sustainability Group/Person: Zoetis has a team of individuals focused on sustainability. Their Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) defines the ESG agenda and provides daily management and oversight of global sustainability initiatives and goals. Zoetis also has cross-functional working groups, led by their CSO focused on ensuring that they make — and track — continued progress in their sustainability journey. In their 2020 Sustainability Report, they aspired to have “Location Sustainability” teams across their major sites by the end of 2021.


Company Size: Large (over 250 full-time equivalent employees)


Year Added: 2021


Updated: 2022


SAVE Veterinary Procurement Guide Copyright © 2022 by Malea McGimsey; Caroline Kern-Allely; Tiera McAdam; Val Cortes; Colleen Duncan; and Maddi Funk. All Rights Reserved.